Pilgrimage for Solo Euphonium (2022) ~ 7 Minutes

Premiered in January 2024 by Alejandro Guardia, Jr.

I. Setting Sail

II. No matter how rough the sea, I refuse to sink.

III. Land on the Horizon

Composed in early 2022, "Pilgrimage" embarks on an exhilarating musical odyssey that demands courage and resilience from both performer and audience alike. The central thematic inspiration for this work is succinctly captured by the adage, "The only way out is through."

The inaugural movement, "Setting Sail," ushers us onto the ship's deck as we cast off from the safety of the harbor, venturing into the vast expanse of open waters. With vivid musical imagery, this movement encapsulates the anticipation, adventure, and trepidation that accompany the beginning of any journey.

The second movement, "No Matter How Rough the Sea, I Refuse to Sink," thrusts us into a tempestuous evening storm, where the ship and its intrepid crew confront the relentless fury of the elements. In this turbulent soundscape, the music challenges the very limits of resilience, echoing the determination to endure against all odds.

As we progress to the final movement, "Land on the Horizon," a moment of respite emerges. Here, we find ourselves basking in a tranquil interlude, a fleeting respite before the sight of distant land beckons from the horizon. This movement embodies the enduring spirit of hope, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, all may not be lost.

"Pilgrimage" invites you to join this musical expedition, where the euphonium takes center stage, guiding us through these three compelling movements. As we navigate this voyage, we are reminded that the only way forward is to press on, endure, and seek the unseen shores that await.